Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Till the very end...

I was listening to Delilah on the way home from getting massive amounts of stuff at Target ( clothes)! I don't typically listen to Delilah or 100.7 for that matter, but my stations had commercials and I needed some soothing music. I turned on the station right as Delilah was reading a letter from one of her listeners. It was from a man and written about the love he and his wife still share after 25 years of marriage. He said that he and his wife have been through hard times, but still get excited about being with one another and have worked really hard to stay in tune with one another. He went on to say he loves her more than anything and loves the life they've built together.

This made me tear up for a few reasons: 1) my parents don't have that joy anymore (not to say they won't experience joy ever again, but I always thought it would be with one another forever) and 2) this man's letter showed me that there are still people left in the world who have stayed committed to their marriages and to making it work, no matter how trying their situations they are. I wish I could thank that man in person. I wish I could thank him for showing all of us out there (especially us that are new to marriage), that there is hope for happiness, despite the fact that divorce seems to be everywhere we turn. That good can come from working hard and continuing to communicate with one another.

Instead, I'll thank him here. Thank you for staying committed to your wife and your family--I was truly inspired by your letter and will strive to ensuring I build that kind of life with my husband.


Mademoiselle Michael Blog said...

What an encouraging story!! I love that. Thanks for taking the time to share it with everyone else. I think there are a number of us that need to be reminded that marriages CAN work! LYSM!!

P.S. Even though my Grandfather just passed away, he and my Gramzie were married for 64 years.

Rebecca said...

I find that knowing my parents are divorcing after 35 years of marriage this year in August, that the intense strain placed on my marriage makes it much harder to handle. I simply don't know how to get my husband to understand the significant emotions I'm feeling...and I had a baby six weeks ago. I'm on a hormone/divorce roller coaster and it isn't pretty. But I like to read your blog.

I just found out about my parents' problems. And then I found out he was having an affair. With a woman we know. With a woman we are friends with. With a woman who sings in the church choir with both of my parents. Shocking doesn't cover it.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your comments! sorry you're dealing with the same issues. Feel free to email me at if you want to talk further.

dasunrisin said...

This gives me hope that my own relationship can survive. Do you ever feel that the "divorce culture" we live in will seep into your own partnership and somehow tear you two apart, despite how committed you know you are?

Unknown said...

Great question, dasunrisin! I'll admit I do worry about that. It's hard to feel encouraged when you've watched your parents' marriage fall apart. The divorce culture is scary. After all, if it can happen to my parents it can happen to me, right? I guess I also feel that my parents' marriage has given me a unique perspective for my own I wouldn't have had before had all this not happened. I know what happens when you don't work at your marriage every day and have had a front row seat to the destruction it causes. It makes me want to try THAT much harder in my own marriage. I guess it's a lesson in what not to do...but that can be just as valuable.


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